Prof. (Mrs.) Mary Obodai
Academic Qualifications
PhD (Food Science), University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, Post Graduate Certificate in
Business Administration, GIMPA, Accra, MPhil (Botany), University of Ghana (UG), Legon, BSc
(Botany with Zoology) UG, Legon.
Areas of Specialization:
Food Microbiology (Microbiota of African Fermented Foods), Mushroom Biotechnology
Prof. (Mrs.) Mary Obodai is an Associate Professor at the CSIR College of Science and Technology (CCST) and currently the Head of Department of Agro-processing Technology and Food Biosciences. She is also a Chief Research Scientist at the CSIR-Food Research Institute with specialization in Food Microbiology and Mushroom Biotechnology. She has over twenty-seven years of R&D experience in technology development, technology dissemination and consultancy services and has contributed significantly to improvements in household and national food and nutrition security. Her main research focus is on applied research in mushroom biotechnology comprising of taxonomy, production of secondary metabolites, utilization and processing, mushroom preservation and food product development. Another research area of interest is molecular characterization of African fermented foods.
Refreed Journal Papers
- Wiafe-Kwagyan, M., Odamtten, G. T. & Obodai, M. (2021). Differentiation of two Pleurotus species based on the restrictive digestion profile of the internal transcribed spacer region. Ghana Journal of Science 61 (2), 2020, 105 – 112 Short communication
- Oduro-Yeboah, C., Obodai, M., Obadina, A., Nyako, J., Padi, A. & Peget, F. (2020). Physical Properties and Consumer Perceptions of Pearl Millet Sourdough Fresh Bread. Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana 13: 1162-1174.
- Kortei, N.K., Odamtten, G.T., Obodai, M., Akonor, P.T., Wiafe-Kwagyan, M., Buckman, S. & Mills, S.W. (2020). Sensory evaluation, descriptive textural analysis, and consumer acceptance profile of steamed gamma-irradiated Pleurotus ostreatus (Ex. Fr.) Kummer kept in two different storage packs. Scientific African 8: (2020).
- Diaz, M., Kellingray, L., Akinyemi,N., Adefiranye, O.O., Olaonipekun, A.B., Bayili,G.R., Ibezim, J., Du Plessis, A. S., Houngbédji, M., Kamya, D., Mukisa, I.M., Mulaw, G., Josiah,S. M., Chienjo,W. O., Atter, A., Agbemafle, E., Annan, T., Ackah, N. B., Buy, E.M., D. Hounhouigan, J., Muyanja, C., Nakavuma, J., Odeny, D. A., Sawadogo-Lingani, H., Tefera, A. T., Amoa-Awua, W., Obodai, M., Mayer,M. J., Oguntoyinbo, F. A. & Narbad, (2019). Comparison of the microbial composition of African fermented foods using amplicon sequencing. Scientific Reports 9:13863.
- Kortei, N.K, Odamtten, G.T., Obodai, M, Wiafe- Kwagyan, M. & Prempeh, J. (2018). Survey of mushroom consumption and the possible use of gamma irradiation for sterilization of compost for its cultivation in Southern Ghana. Agriculture and Food Security 7: 83.
- Kortei, N.K, Odamtten, G.T., Obodai, M, Wiafe- Kwagyan, M. & Dzomeku, M. (2018). Comparative bioconversion of gamma irradiated and steam sterilized ‘wawa’ sawdust (Triplochiton scleroxylon L.) by mycelia of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus Jacq. Ex.Fr. Kummer). International Food Research Journal 25(3): 943-950.
- Narh Mensah, D. L., Addo, P., Dzomeku, M. & Obodai, M. (2018). Bioprospecting of powdered pineapple rind as an organic supplement of composted sawdust for Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom cultivation. Food Science and Nutrition, 6 (2): 280-286.
- Kortei, N.K., Odamtten, G. T., Obodai, M., Wiafe-Kwagyan, M & Narh Mensah, D.L (2018). Correlations of cap diameter (pileus width), stipe length and biological effciency of Pleurotus ostreatus (Ex.Fr.) Kummer cultivated on gamma-irradiated and steam-sterilized composted sawdust as an index of quality for pricing. Agriculture and Food Security (2018) 7:35
- Kortei, N.K., Odamtten, G. T., Obodai, M. & Wiafe-Kwagyan, M. (2017). Mycofloral profile and the radiation sensitivity (D10 values) of solar dried and gamma irradiated Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.Ex. Fr.) Kummer fruitbodies stored in two different packaging materials. Food Science and Nutrition 5(6): 1-9.
- Kortei, N.K., Odamtten, G. T., Obodai, M. & Wiafe- Kwagyan, M. (2017). Radiation Response (Low Dose Gamma Radiation) of Members of the Enterobacteriaceae in Dry Fruiting Bodies of Pleurotus ostreatus and Their Identification Using API 20E System. UK Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biosciences Vol. 5(3): 09-13..
- Obodai, M., Narh Mensah, D.L., Fernandes, Â., Kortei, N. K., Dzomeku, M., Teegarden, M., Schwartz, S. J. Barros, L., Prempeh, J., Takli, R. K. & Ferreira, I.C.F.R. (2017). Chemical Characterization and Antioxidant Potential of Wild Ganoderma Species from Ghana. Molecules 22:196: doi:10.3390/molecules22020196.
- Owusu, E., Schwinger, G., Dzomeku, M., Obodai, M. Asante, I. (2017). Phytochemical, Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis of Methanolic Extracts of Six Wild Mushroom Species Collected From the Shai Hills Reserve of Ghana. Pharmacognosy Journal. 2017: 9(6) Suppl: s16-s22.
- Kortei, N.K., Odamtten, G.T., Obodai, M., Wiafe-Kwagyan, M & Adotey Addo, E. (2016) Influence of low dose of gamma radiation and storage on some vitamins and mineral elements of dried oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) Food Science and Nutrition doi:10.1002/fsn3.432.
- Wiafe-Kwagyan, M., Odamtten, G.T & Obodai, M. (2016). The potential use of rice waste lignocellulose and its amendments as substrate for the cultivation of Pleurotus eous Strain P-31in Ghana. International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry Vol 5(2) ISSN: 2277-4688.
- Otto, E. C. Blanchette, R. A., Held, B. W., Barnes, C.W. & Obodai, M. (2016). Ganoderma mbrekobenum sp. nov. Fungal Planet 449 (4 July, 2016). Fungal Planet description sheets.
- Annan, T., Obodai, M., Anyebuno, G., Tano-Debrah, K & Amoa-Awua, W.K. (2015). Characterization of the dominant microorganisms responsible for the fermentation of dehulled maize grains into nsiho in Ghana. African Journal of Biotechnology 14(19): 1640-1648, ISSN: 1684-5315.
- Sonnenberg, A.S.M., Baars, J.P., Obodai, M & Asagbra, A. (2015). Cultivation of Oyster mushrooms on Cassava Waste. Food Chain 5 (1–2):105-115, ISSN: 2046-1879 (online).
- Obodai, M., Oduro-Yeboah, C., Amoa-Awua, W., Anyebuno, G., Ofori, H., Annan, T., Mestres, C & Pallet, D. (2014). Kenkey production, vending and consumption practices in Ghana. Food Chain 4 (3): 275-288, DOI:10.3362/2046-1887.2014.027.
- Obodai, M., Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Fernandes, Â. Barros, L., Narh Mensah, D.L. Dzomeku, M., Urben, A.F., Prempeh, J & Takli, R.K. (2014). Evaluation of the Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Wild and Cultivated Mushrooms of Ghana. Molecules 19 (12): 19532-19548, ISSN: 1420-3049.
- Obodai, M., Ofori, H., Dzomeku, M., Takli, R., Komlaga, G., Dziedzoave, N., Mensah, D., Prempeh, J & Sonnenberg, A. (2014). Heavy metal and proximate composition associated with the composting of cassava (Manihot esculenta) peels used in the cultivation of mushrooms in Ghana. African Journal of Biotechnology 13(22): 2208-2214, ISSN: 1684-5315.
- Narh Mensah, D.L & Obodai, M. (2014). Morphological characteristics of mycelia growth of two strains of the indigenous medicinal mushroom, Lentinus squarrosulus Mont.(Singer), on solid media. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 9(23):1753-1760, ISSN: 1991-637x.
- Kortei, N.K., Dzogbefia, V & Obodai, M. (2014). Assessing the effect of composting cassava peel based substrates on the yield, nutritional quality and physical characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.ex.Fr) Kummer. Biotechnology Research International, DOI:10.1155/2014/571520.
- Kortei, N.K., Odamtten, G.T., Obodai, M., Appiah, V., Annan, S.N.Y., Acquah, S.A. & Armah, J.N.O. (2014). Comparative effect of gamma irradiated and steam sterilized composted ‘wawa’ (Triplochiton scleroxylon) sawdust on the growth and yield of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex. Fr) Kummer. Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology 14: 69-78.
- Kortei, N.K., Odamtten, G.T., Appiah, V., Obodai, M., Annan, T.A., Adu-Gyamfi, A., Akonor, P.T., Annan, S.N.Y., Acquah, S.A & Mills, S.W.O. (2014). Microbiological quality assessment of gamma irradiated fresh and dried mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) and determination of D10 values of Bacillus cereus in storage packs. European Journal of Biotechnology and Biosciences 2(1): 28-34, ISSN: 2321-9122.
- Kortei, N.K., Odamtten, G.T., Obodai, M., Appiah, V., Akuamoah, F., Adu-Bobi, A.K. Annan, S.N.Y., Armah, J.N.O & Acquah, S.A. (2014). Evaluating the effect of gamma radiation on the total phenolic content, flavonoids and antioxidant activity of dried Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex. Fr) Kummer stored in packaging materials. Advances in Pharmaceutics, 24:1-8,
- Quaicoe, E. H., Amoah, C., Obodai, M & Odamtten, G.T. (2014). Nutrient requirements and environmental conditions for the cultivation of the medicinal mushroom (Lentinula edodes) (berk.) in Ghana. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 3(12): 45-50, ISSN 2277-8616.
- Narh, D. L. & Obodai, M. (2013). Growth and yield of three Pleurotus species on rice straw. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 46: 43-47.
- Obodai, M & Odamtten, G.T. (2012). Mycobiota and some physical and organic composition of agricultural wastes used in the cultivation of the mushroom Volvariella volvacea. Journal of Basic and Applied Mycology 3(1): 21-26, ISSN 2090-7583.
- Narh, D.L., Obodai, M., Baka, D. & Dzomeku, M. (2011). The Efficacy of Sorghum and Millet Grains in Spawn Production and Carpophore Formation of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex. Fr) Kummer. International Food Research Journal 18(3): 1092-1097.
- Frimpong–Manso, J. Obodai, M. Dzomeku, M. & Apetorgbor, M.M. (2011). Influence of rice husk on biological efficiency and nutrient content of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex. Fr.) Kummer. International Food Research Journal 18: 249-254.
- Obodai, M., Amoa-Awua, W. & Odamtten, G.T. (2010). Physical, chemical and fungal phenology associated with the composting of ‘wawa’ sawdust (Triplochiton scleroxylon) used in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms in Ghana. International Food Research Journal 17: 229-237.
- Tortoe, C., Obodai, M. & Amoa-Awua, W. (2010). Microbial deterioration of white variety sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) under different storage structures. International Journal of Plant Biology 1(2): 52-55.
- Adamafio, N.A., Obodai, M. & Brimpong, B. (2009). Solid state fermentation of maize (Zea mays) cob by Pleurotus ostreatus strain EM-1: Biopolymer profiles and cellulose degradability. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 3(6): 1459-1466.
- Obodai, M. & Apetorgbor, M.M. (2009). Proximate composition and nutrient content of some wild and cultivated mushrooms of Ghana. Journal of the Ghana Science Association 11 (1): 1-6.
- Tortoe, C., Obodai, M., Amoa-Awua, W., Oduro-Yeboah, C. & Vowotor, K. (2008). Effectiveness of three different storage structures and curing process for the storage of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 41: 227-236
- Obodai, M. & Dodd, C.E.R. (2006). Characterization of dominant microbiota of Ghanaian fermented milk product, nyarmie, by culture-and non culture–based methods. Journal of Applied Microbiology 100: 1355-1363.
- Apetorgbor, M.M., Apetorgbor, A.K. & Obodai, M. (2006). Indigenous knowledge and utilization of edible mushrooms in parts of Southern Ghana. Ghana Journal of Forestry 19 & 20: 20-34.
- Obodai, M. Cleland-Okine, J. & Vowotor, K.A. (2003). Comparative study on the growth and yield of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms on different lignocellulosic by-products. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 30 (3): 146-149.
- Obodai, M., Cleland-Okine, J. & Johnson, P-N.T. (2003). Use of agricultural waste as a substrate for the mushroom Volvariella volvacea. Tropical Science 43 (3): 121-124.
- Obodai, M. & Johnson, P-N.T. (2002). The effect of nutrient supplements on the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom grown on composted sawdust of Triplochiton scleroxylon. Tropical Science 42: 78-82.
- Obodai, M. & Vowotor, K.A. (2002). Performance of different strains of Pleurotus species under Ghanaian conditions. Journal of Food Technology in Africa 7: 98-100.
- Obodai, M. Sawyerr, L.C.B. & Johnson, P-N.T. (2000). Yield of seven strains of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus spp. ) grown on composted sawdust of Triplochiton scleroxylon. Tropical Science 40: 95-99.
- Gbedemah, C.M., Obodai, M. & Sawyerr, L.C.B. (1998). Preliminary investigations into the bioconversion of gamma irradiated agricultural waste by Pleurotus spp. Radiation Physics and Chemistry Journal 52 (1-6): 379-382.
Book - Wiafe-Kwagyan, M., Odamtten, G.T., Obodai, M. & Owusu, E. (2017). Rice (Oryza sativa) wastes management in Ghana using oyster mushroom. Published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing pp. 1-102.
- Newsletter
1. Obodai, M. & Sawyerr, L.C. B. (1999). CSIR-FRI promotes the cultivation and utilization of mushrooms in Ghana. CSIR-Newsletter Issue Number 8.Conference /Workshop Papers/Abstracts
- Obodai, M. (2019) Management of African Institutions for Sustainable Development: An Example of CSIR-FRI, Ghana. Proceedings of the SLIDEN AFRICA, Accra 2019 Conference, pp.16-18. 4-6 March, 2019
- Narh Mensah, D.L., Obodai, M., Lartey-Brown, J. & Prempeh, J. (2016). Yield and economic viability of two indigenous strains of Lentinus squarrosulus cultivated on composted sawdust of various tropical woods. In: Baars JJP, Sonnenberg ASM (eds) Science and Cultivation of Edible and Medicinal Fungi: Mushroom Science IXX, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30 May–2 June 2016 2016. Proceedings of the 19th Congress of the International Society for Mushroom Science. International Society for Mushroom Science, pp 195-199.
- Dzomeku, M., Narh Mensah, D., Prempeh, J., Takli, R., Obodai, M. (2016). Mushrooms of Ghana: An over view. In: Baars JJP, Sonnenberg ASM (eds) Science and Cultivation of Edible and Medicinal Fungi: Mushroom Science IXX, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30 May–2 June 2016 2016. Proceedings of the 19th Congress of the International Society for Mushroom Science. International Society for Mushroom Science
- Obodai, M. (2015). Introduction to proposal writing. Presented at AuthorAID training workshop at CSIR-INSTI from 28-29 July.
- Obodai, M. (2015). Planning to write. Presented at AuthorAID training workshop at CSIR-FRI from 20-22 April.
- Obodai, , Dzomeku, M., Narh Mensah, D., Takli, R., Komlaga G. & Dziedzoave, N. (2015). Adding value to wastes from roots and tubers. Presented at the Final dissemination workshop of the GRATITUDE project at CSIR-FRI, Accra, 2-5 March, 2015.
- Obodai, , Dzomeku, M., Hagan, L., Cooperstone, J. L., Teegarden, M. D., Ralston, R. A. & Schwartz, S.J. (2014). Mushroom germplasm diversity in two forests in Ghana. 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and mushroom Products (ICMBMP), New Delhi, India, 19th-22nd November, 2014
- Dzomeku, M., Narh Mensah, D.L., Obodai, M., Prempeh, J., Takli, R.K., Komlaga, G., Dziedzoave, N. & Sonnenberg, A. (2014). Vegetative growth of different strains of Pleurotus and Lentinula species on cassava (Manihot esculenta) and yam (Dioscorea rotundata) wastes in Ghana. 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and mushroom Products (ICMBMP), New Delhi, India, 19th-22nd November, 2014.
- Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M., Hagan, L. & Takli, R. (2014). Development of edible and medicinal mushrooms as functional foods in Ghana. PEER awardee’s conference in Arusha, Tanzania, 3-8 August, 2014.
- Sonnenberg, A., Baars, J.P., Obodai, & Asagbra, A. (2014). Cultivation of oyster mushrooms on cassava waste. International Conference on Mushroom Biology and mushroom Products (ICMBMP), New Delhi, India, 19th-22nd November, 2014.
- Figueirêdo, V.R., Urben, A.F., Souza, E., Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M. & Takli, R. (2013). First record of Favolus brasiliensis, Aphyllophorales, in Ghana (Africa). VII International Symposium on Mushrooms in Brazil and VI National Symposium on Edible Mushrooms, organized by The National Institute for Amazon Research, Manaus, Brazil from 12th to 15th October, 2013.
- Obodai, M. (2013). Developing a viable Mushroom Industry. Presented at the Sensitization workshop for ACCRA Mushroom Cluster of the Pan African Competitive Forum (PACF) Ghana Chapter at CSIR-STEPRI, 28th March, 2013, Accra.
- Apetorgbor, M.M., Apetorgbor, A.K. & Obodai, M. (2012). Conservation of mushrooms as non-timber forest products of economic importance and their benefits to communities around the Bui National Park of Ghana. Serving the people of the world. IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress and ITTO/AFF Forest Policy Day. Book of Abstracts. Nairobi, Kenya. 25-29th June, 2012
- Obodai, M. (2012). The CSIR-Food Research Institute. Presentation on CSIR-FRI at the Role Modelling Event for 110 students under the AWARD programme-24th June, 2012.
- Amoa-Awua, W.K., Oduro-Yeboah, C., Mestres, C., Tomlins, K., Bennett, B., Obodai, , Annan, T., Owusu, M., Ofori, H., Anyebuno, G., Diako, C., Tortoe, C. & Pallet, D. (2012). Value-addition to Kenkey, an indigenous African fermented food, targeting the international market. Poster presented at EFFoST 2012 Annual Meeting, November 20-23, 2012, Montpellier, France.
- Obodai, M. (2011). AWARD Progress Report. Presentation at the AWARD Mentoring Meeting, 3 May, 2011
- Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M. & Apetorgbor, M.M. (2011).. Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms as Functional Foods in Ghana. International Food Conference Agricultural Technology Faculty, Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Indonesia, 28th-29th October, 2011.
- Obodai, M. & Narh, D.L. (2010). Diversification and utilization of rice by-products (mushroom production). Presentation at the training workshop on rice mill management for selected processing group, Ejura 19 November, 2010
- Obodai, M. (2010). Mycological Research and Teaching in Ghana. Presentation at the First West African Workshop on Mycology Ouagadogou, Burkina Faso 12th-13th November, 2010
- Obodai, M. & Apetorgbor, M.M. (2009). An ethnobotanical study of mushroom germplasm and its uses in the Bia Biosphere reserve of Ghana. Presented at the 2nd African Conference on Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms. Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Accra, Ghana. 24th-28th March, 2009.
- Achio, S., Obodai, M. & Mortu, S. (2009). Effect of storage temperature and packaging on the keeping qualities of fresh oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Presented at the 2nd African Conference on Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms. Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Accra, Ghana. 24th-28th March, 2009.
- Narh, D.L. & Obodai, M. (2009). Comparative Utilization of Rice Straw on the Growth and Yield of Three Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus) Species. Presented at the 2nd African Conference on Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms. Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Accra, Ghana. 24th-28th March, 2009.
- Brimpong, B.B., Adamafio, N.A. & Obodai, M. (2009). Cultivation of oyster mushroom: Alteration in biopolymer profiles and cellulose digestibility of corn cob substrate. Presented at the 2nd African Conference on Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms. Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Accra, Ghana. 24th-28th March, 2009.
- Obodai, M., Linforth, R. & Dodd, C.E.R. (2006). Characterization of the flora of nyarmie, a traditional Ghanaian fermented milk product by rDNA-PCR DGGE analysis, PFGE fingerprinting and traditional culture methods. In: Proceedings Scientific and technological challenges in fermented milk. 2nd IDF Dairy Science and Technology week. Sirmione-Italy. 15-19 May, 2006.
- Obodai, M., Linforth, R. & Dodd, C.E.R. (2006). The role of lactic acid bacteria in the development of flavour in nyarmie, a naturally fermented milk product. In: Proceedings Living together: polymicrobial communities. SFAM 75 Summer Conference, Edinburgh UK, 3-6 July).
- Youri, M.R., Tano-Debrah, K., Obodai, M. & Smith, J.F. (2004). Bioconversion of some agro-processing waste through Pleurotus In: Proceedings of the 16th International Mushroom Congress on the Science and cultivation of edible and medicinal fungi. Miami Florida. 14th -17th March.
- Obodai, M. & Dodd, C.E.R. (2004). Microbial diversity occurring during the fermentation of nyarmie a Ghanaian fermented milk product. In: Proceedings SFAM Annual Conference. Cork Ireland, 12-15 July.
- Obodai, M. & Dodd, C.E.R. (2004). Characterization of lactic acid bacteria in nyarmie– a Ghanaian fermented dairy product. In: Proceedings SGM 155 Meeting, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 6-9 September.
- Jonfia-Essien, W.A. & Obodai, M. (2003). Impact assessment of storage management in the poverty alleviation programme: a case study in Ghana and lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa. FoodAfrica, Internet Forum 31 March-11 April. .
- Johnson, P-N.T. & Obodai, (2001). Effects of variety, pretreatments and packaging materials on the storage stability of air –dried oyster mushrooms, Pleurotus spp. 22nd Biennial Conference of the Ghana Science Association at the University of Cape Coast from 5th to 9th August, 2001.
- Obodai, & Johnson, P-N.T. (1999). Some physical and microbial changes in Pleurotus and Termitomyces spp. mushrooms in different plastic packages. 21st Biennial Conference of the Ghana Science Association at the University of Ghana from 8th to 13th August, 1999.
- Obodai, M. (1999). Dynamics of mushroom farming – opportunities for economic development: The Ghana experience. In: Proceedings at the First West African Regional Workshop on Zero Emissions concept 15-19 November.
- Obodai, M. (1997). Mushroom cultivation in Ghana. In: Proceedings in edible mushroom (JUNCAO technology) at the 2nd International training course on 8 October – 3 November 1997
- Obodai, M. (1996). Status Report on mushroom cultivation in Ghana. In: Proceedings at the cultivation of edible mushrooms on tropical agricultural wastes. 9 August-20 September, 1996.
- Odamtten, G.T & Obodai, M. (1995). Phenology of mycoflora on agricultural waste used in the cultivation of Volvariella volvacea. In: Proceedings workshop on fungal diversity in subsaharan ecosystems and their role in rural development. 29 November-1 December.Edited manuals/handbooks/pamphlets/leaflets
- Dzomeku, M., Narh Mensah, D. L. & Obodai, M. (2017). Cultivating mushrooms from sawdust
- Narh Mensah, D. L. Dzomeku, M., Prempeh, J., Takli, R. K., Urben, A.F. & Obodai, (2015). Mushroom cultivation using the Juncao technology
- Narh Mensah, D. L. Dzomeku, M., Prempeh, J., Takli, R. K., Urben A. F. & Obodai, (2015). Mushroom cultivation using the Juncao technology: A hand-out for smallholder farmers. CSIR-FRI/EL/NMDL/2015/001
- Dziedzoave, N. T. Obodai, M., Quaye, W., Komlaga, G., Tortoe, C., Wordey, M. T. (2014). Gratitude Newsletter: Reducing losses from roots )and tubers (Issue 1). Gratitude Project. CSIR-Food Research Institute, Accra.
- Obodai, , Dzomeku, M., Narh Mensah, D.L., Takli, R., Komlaga, G. & Dziedzoave, N. (2013). Cultivation of edible and medicinal mushrooms using cassava by-products. CSIR-FRI/EL/OM/3013/001
- Apetorgbor, M. M., A. K. Apetorgbor & Obodai (2012). Mushrooms and their nutritional and medicinal values. In: K. Bruce (ed.). Farm Magazine. Maiden Edition, Accra, Ghana. pp 5-6. CSIR-FRI/MP/AMM/2012/003
- Dzomeku, M., Obodai, M. & Takli, R.K. (2011). Steps in oil palm mushroom cultivation in Ghana
- Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M. & Takli, R.K (2011). Introduction to edible and Medicinal mushrooms
- Obodai, M., Narh, D.L., Dzomeku, M. & Takli, R.K. (2010). Oyster mushrooms: Nutritional values and recipes.
- Obodai, M., Narh, D.L., Dzomeku, M. & Takli, R.K. (2010). Manual on mushroom spawn technology, Ghana.
- Narh, D.L. & Obodai, M. (2009). Polythene bag method for oyster mushroom production
- Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M., Awotwe, B., Takli, R.K. & Narh, D. (2007). Manual on mushroom cultivation technology in Ghana.
- Obodai M., Cleland-Okine, J., Takli, R.K., Awotwe, B. & Dzomeku, M. (2002). Training manual on Mushroom cultivation in Ghana.
- Obodai, M. & Sawyerr, L.C.B. (1997). Booklet on mushroom cultivation in Ghana. CSIR-Social Sciences. Technical reports
- Oppong, E., Oppong, M., Frimpong-Boamah, E., Obodai, M. & Koh, L. ( 2021). “Circular economy in Ghana’s Agri-food value chain; A triple bottom line sustainability assessment”.
- Obodai, M., Narh Mensah, D. L., Dzomeku, M, Takli, R., Urben Fontes, A. Figueirêdo, V & de Souza, E. (2015). Characterization, conservation and domestication of indigenous edible and medicinal mushrooms on agricultural residues- Collaborative research report.
- Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M., Narh Mensah, D., Takli, R & Prempeh, J. (2015). Mushroom training workshop reports (2012-2014).
- Tortoe, C., Obodai, , Owusu, M., Akonor, P.T & Ofori, E. (2015). Report on the Proposal Writing Training Workshop For Research Scientists.
- Tortoe, C., Obodai, , Owusu, M., Akonor, P.T & Ofori, E. (2015). Report on the Research Writing Training Workshop for Research Scientists and Technologists.
- Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M., Narh Mensah, DL., Prempeh, J, Takli, RK, Urben, A., Figueiredo,V. & de Souza, E. (2015). Domestication of an indigenous Ghanaian edible mushroom-Pleurotus sajor-caju: variations in the proximate and mineral contents of the wild and cultivated species. CSIR-FRI/RE/OM/2015/014
- Obodai, M., Asante, I., Owusu, E., Schiwenger, G.O., Dzomeku, M., Narh Mensah, D. L., Takli, R. (2014). Collection and characterization of mushroom species in Ghana for high-yield, sub-yield components and high antioxidant activities –Collaborative research project
- Obodai, M., Narh, D., Dzomeku, M., Takli, R & Prempeh, J. (2013). Report on trainer of trainers workshop held at Apesiwa conference room, CSIR-FRI, Ghana.
- Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M., Takli, R., Urben Fontes, A. de Souza, E & Figueirêdo, V (2013). Report of mushroom diversity in Ghana: case study in the Volta and Eastern regions.
- Obodai, M., Mensah D.L.N., Dzomeku, M., Takli, RK., Prempeh, J., Nketia, S. (2013).
- CSIR-FRI/MUGREAG/SDF (COVET) Spawn multiplication training course
- Amoa-Awua, W.K., Owusu, M., Tomlins, K., Bechaff, A., Bennett, B., Obodai, , Oduro-Yeboah, C., Anyebuno, G., Tortoe, C., Annan, T., Ofori, H., Saleh, Z., & Pallet, D. (2012). Sensory and Consumer testing of Kenkey in Ghana. CSIR-FRI Technical report
- Oduro-Yeboah, C., Annan, T., Amoa-Awua, W.K., Anihouvi, V., Hassan-Wassef, H., Tortoe, C., Bennett, B., Ofori, H., Adinsi, L., Hounhouigan, J., Obodai, , Owusu, M., Anyebuno, G. (2012). Report on marketing and regulatory opportunities for the European Union for Group 1.CSIR-FRI Technical report
- Amoa-Awua, W.K., Obodai, , Oduro-Yeboah, C., Anyebuno, G. & Annan, T. (2012). A survey on traditional practices and perception on types of kenkey production in three regions of Ghana. CSIR-FRI Technical report
- Obodai, M & Odamtten, T. (2011). Fungal Phenology and attendant changes in agricultural lignocelluloses waste for mushroom cultivation: Status Prospects and Applications in Food Security.
- Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M. & Apetorgbor, M.M. (2011). Edible and medicinal mushrooms as functional foods in Ghana.
- Obodai, M., Apetorgbor, M., Dzomeku, M. & Apetorgbor, A.K. (2011). Biodiversity, Ecology and Uses of larger fungi (Macromycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi) in West Africa.
- Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M., Narh, D. & Takli, R.K. (2011) Mushroom Training Workshops (2008-2011). FRI technical report
- Obodai, , Dzomeku, M., Pappoe, J., Koli, C., Atopla, R. & Takli, R.K. (2011). Cultivation of the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on cellulosic residues from rice straw. FRI technical report
- Annan, T., Obodai, M., Oduro-Yeboah, C., Owusu, M., Anyebuno, G., Tortoe, C., Ofori, H., Amoa-Awua, W.K (2011). Value chain analysis for white kenkey in Ghana
- Obodai, M. (2010). Kulpawn Vegetable Growers, Yagaba, Final Report. Report submitted to MiDA
- Obodai, M. (2010). Completion Report For Stage Two Training For Kulpawn Vegetable Growers Farmers Group, Yagaba. Report submitted to MiDA.
- Apetorgbor, M.M., Apetorgbor, A.K. & Obodai, M. (2010). Conservation of mushrooms as non-timber forest products of economic importance and their benefits to communities around the Bui National Park of Ghana. Technical report submitted to Game and Wildlife, Accra.
- Obodai, M. & Dodd, C.E.R (2010). Flora dynamics of Lactococcus lactis from nyarmie –a traditional Ghanaian fermented milk product.
- Baka, D., Narh, D.L., Obodai, M., Dzomeku, M. & Takli, R.K. (2010). Physical characteristics and biological efficiency of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms cultivated using various cropping techniques.
- Narh, D.L. & Obodai, M. (2010). Effect of different agricultural by-products on the growth and yield of the mushroom Volvariella volvacea.
- Obodai, M., Dickinson, M. & Dodd, C.E.R. (2007). Bio-control of two food borne pathogens on fresh lettuce leaves with naturally occurring yeast antagonists.
- Richards, P.J., Obodai, M. & Dodd, C.E.R. (2006). Enumeration of Salmonella species from pork carcass.
- Obodai, M. (2002). Technology transfer /Extension activities on mushroom cultivation (1992-2002).
- Obodai, M., Cleland-Okine, J., Dzomeku, M. & Amoa-Awua, W. (2002). The efficiency of cassava and cocoyam peels as substrate for the production of oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) and oil palm mushrooms (Volvariella volvacea) (RTIP report)
- Obodai, M. & Apetorgbor, M. (2001). An ethnobotanical study of mushroom germplasm and its domestication in the Bia Biosphere Reserve. FRI-Man and the Biosphere (MAB) report
- Johnson, P-N.T. Obodai, , Abusah, D.D. & Awotwe, B. (2001). Business plan for the production of mushroom spawn and compost bags.
- Johnson, P.N-T. & Obodai, M. (2000). Some physical and microbial changes in Pleurotus eous and Termitomyces mushrooms during storage in different plastic packages. Food Research Institute. Report, 1998/1999.
- Johnson, P.N-T. & Obodai, M. (2000). Storage stability of air-dried oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus eous): effects of pretreatments and packaging material. Food Research Institute. Report, 1998/1999.
- Sawyerr, L.C.B. & Obodai, M. (1995). Effect of composting of mixed redwood sawdust on fruitbody yield of two Pleurotus eous
- Sawyerr, L.C.B. & Obodai, M. (1995). Physical characteristics of Pleurotus species of the National Mycelium Bank, Food Research Institute.