The CSIR College of Science and Technology, simply referred to as CCST, is an institution birthed out of the research and development experiences of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (the CSIR). The CSIR is the nation’s premier research institution established in 1958 to conduct scientific and technological research in the broad disciplines of agriculture, industry, environment, and some aspects of health, and transfer technologies generated by its research institutes for national socio-economic development.

The College is Applied Research College that operates within the research facilities of the thirteen institutes of the CSIR. The College has at its disposal well-equipped state-of-the-art laboratories, conference and seminar rooms, research stations throughout the country, and other facilities of the institutes by which to deliver its programmes. These facilities constitute a unique learning environment that provides students with opportunities for enquiry and effective learning through literature study, laboratory and field research as well as by hands-on, project approach to problem-solving. 

The College is endowed with experienced research scientists and technologists, most of whom are at the very top of their professional careers, and are widely renowned performers in their areas of specialization. It is from their wealth of practical professional experiences that faculty imparts to their students, the rich knowledge and skills they have gained over years of research practice. As an innovative educational institution, the College offers graduate programmes in agriculture and environmental sciences. The programmes are practical-oriented, industry-focused and based on areas that CSIR has clear competences and comparative advantage.

Why opt for CCST?
Science, technology and innovation is universally regarded as an engine of economic growth and development and important driver of poverty alleviation. In 21st century knowledge economy, a first degree is no longer enough. Postgraduate degree deepens knowledge and skills, and strengthens competitiveness in a fast changing global environment. Current level of Research & Development manpower in Ghana (39/million population) is below the average for the African region (164/million).

CCST is therefore being guided by twin goals:

  • To increase the scientific capability needed to drive Ghana’s socioeconomic development in line with CSIR mandate to expand the platform for science and technological application and
  • To serve the needs of industries, businesses and local communities through our special firm-based research and community engagement.

Strength of the College

  • CSIR, the parent organization of CCST has the largest aggregation of scientists and technologists in Ghana
  • CSIR is endowed with state of the art facilities and field station dotted throughout the length and breadth of communities and industries.